in control was a great challenge.
The first day of my teaching was not perfect but satisfying enough. Since then I had got to know how a teacher should perform and all the situations that a teacher would run into. Though my teaching has been much improved so far, the first day of the job still remains deep in my mind.
简 评
本文层次清晰,从一开始对教书工作不以为然“It won`t be a hard job”,到初次接触学生时感到紧张“How can l manage such naughty children?”,到遇到问题不知所措“I went out to the corridor trying to escape only to get trapped in a more intolerable surrounding”,到冷静思考解决问题。思路很清晰,美中不足的是,作者对最后一个环节——如何应付顽皮的学生,使他们最后能专心听课——没有交待清楚。