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My Idea of Family Planning-我对家庭计划的理念

2014-5-9 16:58:07
aware of such serious problems and has therefore gone all lengths to promote family planning The purpose is to control the population in terms of both quantity and quality Frankly speaking to create a stable and prosperous society is the ultimate goal of family planning All in all we should subscribe to this program.


To give birth to children and raise them was difficult in the past and this was largely the result of the inadequate medical knowledge and equally inadequate medical facilities in those days. Clearly it was because of this difficulty that families of former times tended to play it safe, producing a lot of offspring so as to guard against any possible loss. Of course, such a thing occurs more frequently in an agricultural society than in an Industrialized one as in an agricultural society extended families are the fashion. Times change. Most of us live now in an industrialized society where overpopulation is seen oftener as a bane than as a boon, and that is also why family planning is now all the rage, particularly in populous countries. Family planning not only can stem the population growth, but can also provide the needed information for those who want to start a family. To make their lives happier and more harmonious, couples should subscribe to this kind of planning, avoiding unnecessary births of putting a limit on the number of their children, as it is, family planning is meant not only to practice birth control, but also to plan childbirth. as it is, family planning is meant not only to practice birth control, but also to plan childbirth. The following is what I think we should do in regard to the promotion of family planning: 1) disseminate information on family planning and persuade people to scrap the traditional thinking that a boy is better than a girl and that having no heir is a shame: 2) regard population problems and the way to build a happy family as apart of the educational course: 3) positively strive for support from government officials and leaders of a consortium: 4) put continuous emphasis on the need to tie up the oviduct or the vas deferens for either sex. In a word, family planning rests with every citizen, not merely with a few persons.