位置:发表区 年级:小学5 关键字,朋友 |
作文id:65201 来源:原创 字数:1083 投稿日期:2006-2-19 20:21:00 点击:次 |
QFG2 点评 |
有些故事还没讲完那就算了吧。where have all the flowers gone? where the flowers gone? where have all the young girls gone? where did they all gone? where have all the young men gone? where the soldiers gone? where have all the graveyards gone? where have all they gone? 她们已经各自离去散落在天涯。 ---- By QFG2 2006-2-20 13:26:01 |
网友打分:(综合分:) |