
The Golden Touch

泉州市师范附属小学学校5年级 蓝桥凝莹

  Long, long ago there lived in Greece a king whose name was Midas. He was a greedy man and loved gold better than anything else in the world.
 Hello , I’m wind , I’m eleven years old . I’m from Quanshi primary school . Today , I will tell you a story . The  
totle is “ The Golden Touch ”   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
 Long , long ago there lived in Greece a king whose   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
name was Midas . He was a greedy man and loved gold  
better than anything else in the world .  
 One day he asked the gods to give him still more gold .  
The gods decided to punish him and said :“Very well ; in the  
morning everything that you touch will become gold .”  
 Midas was overjoyed when he heard this .“I shall be the  
richest man in the world ,”he said to himself .  
He got up early next morning . When he touched his bed , it turned to gold . He began to dress , and his clothes  
became gold . Midas was delighted .  
 The king went to have his breakfast . He took a cup of milk , but it immediately turned to gold . Then he t  
piece of bread , and that also changed into gold . Midas now  
began to feel unhappy . It was good to be the richest man in the world , but he was hungry , and he could not eat or drink gold .  
 Midas went out into the garden again . His little daughter was there . When she saw her father , she ran up to  
him . King Midas was very fond of his daughter and he kissed her tenderly . Then and there she turned into a golden  
statue .  
 Midas was now very unhappy . He went into his palace . His eyes filled with tears , and he begged the gods to take  
away the Golden Touch .  
 “ I was very foolish to love gold so much ,” he said .  
 “ Take all my gold and give me back my daughter .”  
 “Go ,” said the gods ,“ and wash your hands in the river near your garden , and the water will take away the Golden Touch .”  
 Midas went to the river and washed his hands . Then he ran quickly to the golden statue of his little girl . He kissed her again and she changed back into his pretty little  
daughter .  
 Midas never forgot this lesson . He knew now that gold  
did not bring happiness .  

位置:发表区   年级:小学5 关键字,童话,英语
来源: 字数:1474 投稿日期:2006-1-5 13:48:00 点击:
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