
how to have good health?(look看看吧!very goood


  close them tightly. blink a few more times and rest.
  Early to rise and early to bed.  lf you always brush your tongue  
  when you brush your teeth ,you can keep away a bad smell.jump high 20 times. drink plen ty of milk and have a good breakfast. an apple aday keeps the doctor away. wash your hands before meals.  run in the sunlight and enjoy the good weather.  after some reading, blink your eyes for a few seconds. close them tightly. blink a few more times and rest.

位置:发表区   年级:小学6 关键字,英语
来源: 字数:334 投稿日期:2005-11-27 12:06:00 点击:
  凝梦冰澜 点评
推荐发表:[凝梦冰澜]2008-2-10 18:42:38
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