
My Day

地球 MUA小呆

  What happy day it is!
  Good morning,everybordy!My name is Michelle.I`m twelve years old.I`m contestant two.I`m going to make a speach today.My topic is My Day.  
  One day,it was hot.In the afternoon,I went out to play.On the way,I saw a policeman.I said to him:"Excuse me.""Yes?"He said."How can I go to   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
the supermarket?""Just go down the street,then turn left.You can see a supermarket on your right.""Thanks very much!""You`re welcome!""Good bye,   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
sir!""See you!"Next,I saw an old woman.She is fat and short,but she is clean.  
  Then,I arrived the supermarket.I saw a white T-shirt."How beautiful it is!"I said."How much is it?"I asked the shop assistant."Four dollers."  
She answered."Oh,I`ll take it!""Here you are.""Thank you!"I had to go my house,because it was late.  
  After dinner,Iwent to the movies.I watch a sitcom.It was Mr Bean.It was very funny.I like it!  
  What happy day it is!  
  That`s all.Thank you very much!Any question?

位置:发表区   年级:初中2 关键字MyDay,英语
来源: 字数:906 投稿日期:2009-8-29 20:39:00 点击:
  25135359 点评

推荐3星:[25135359]2009-8-29 20:50:47
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-1真糟 退稿