I must confess that I am mortally loath to express affection for myself, myself even being faced with the danger of being obliterated by me. I, a mundane person and disgusting student, do not merit others' love either.
In point of fact, I have a thousand reasons being accountable for why I hate myself deeply. First and foremost, I have made a hash of my life, failing to seize the initiative to enhance my faculty, thus loitering on the street riddled with fatuous and plebeian persons. Secondly, I have also preclude my family from boosting their confidence pertaining to me, which means I do not live up to their expectation and make them disappointed again and again through my execrable comportment in learning and living. What 's more,not being capable of excelling at demonstrating my perceptions precisely and expressing my love for others spontaneously and moderately, I have done almost everyone around me a serious disservice.
From what has been written down
above , I think I am really a nauseous human being and that my hostility towards myself can never be eliminated.