
Never give up

树人国际学校 XZCMZ828

  So, never give up! If we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day!
     There was a famous saying“you will be guaranteed to succeed, if you work assiduously. ” This sentence has caused my pondering a lot. We often hear that someone says ‘Never give up’ on many occasions because these can be encouraging words. But only when we understand the true meaning and carry it out, we can be industrious and succeed easily.  
Why does it so important to persist?   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
   I think the reason is that if we always give up, we’ll rarely achieve anything and we won’t be able to develop new skills. ‘Failure is the mother of success.’ Just try to plough through the failures.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
     I want to share one of my experiences with you. When I was running 1100 meters at school last term. It was hard for me to reach the end. I thought, ‘oh, no! I can’t do that! I can’t run anymore! I feel so tired! My heart has nearly leapt out! My legs are both out of control! But suddenly, I remembered the word that my mother has given me. “Never give up! To finish is also a kind of victory! You should be proud to take part in the race!” Then, I looked ahead, I found that I was the eighth one among 24 players! I suddenly felt confident and was running towards the end and finish the race. I felt proud because I had kept running.  
     Another example is that the survivor’s in the earthquake. In 2008, the great earthquake hit Sichuan Province in China. Thousands of died but some of them survived because of their strong will to live. They were buried by the bricks and the rubble. There was no sunshine, no food even no water. As days went by, miracles continued to happen to them. Everyday, from TV and newspapers, we learnt and knew many stories about the survivors. There was a girl named Ren Siyu from Beichuan, another devastated area in the earthquake. She was under the bricks for two days with her legs trapped. When people came to her, they heard that she was singing the song Two Tigers to lessen the pain! In these stories, we know that miracles always happen to those people who never give up.  
     So, never give up! If we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day!

位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字giveup,never,,材料作文,英语,earthquake
来源: 字数:1693 投稿日期:2009-4-12 16:36:00 点击:
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