
an amusing experience

树人国际学校 XZCMZ828

  What a big mistake I have made!
  I had an amusing experience last week. When I was walking past a supermarket, I watched an advertisement on it. It had only a picture with a word on it 'Inexpensive'. But I thought that it 'expensive'! I was surprised because no one had seen it before! I asked one of the shop asistants for their manager's email address and quickly back home and wrote to the manager. After I sent it, I waited for it every day. I received the email he sent back on Sunday and he told me that it was 'Inexpensive' , not 'expensive'. I walked back there and looked at it again. Oh! My god! What a big mistake I have made!

位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字,English,amusing,英语,记一件事,日记,我
来源: 字数:488 投稿日期:2009-4-6 9:04:00 点击:

推荐3星:[LISHUYI]2009-4-6 10:06:56
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-1真糟 退稿