
My best friend

十五中 炫灵儿

  Pride goes before,and shame comes after...
   I have a good friend,his names li Wei.He is a boy.He is 15years old,there are three people in his family,hie father,motherand him.He studies in NO.3middle school.He studies hard,as usual,when he gets good marks,he thinks:Pride goes befor,and shame comes after.When he helps me with my subjects,he teaches me not only slouly but very clearl as well.However,I also can help him.He has many hobbies,such as reading,painting,playing basketball and listening to music,he is good at playing basketball.I am very proud of him.I learning many things from him:Book mountain's hasing road is frequently a path, the ocean of learning is limitless the bitterness make boat.

位置:发表区   年级:初中2 关键字,英语
来源:本文是本人原创 字数:561 投稿日期:2008-6-21 23:13:00 点击:
  冰雪水灵儿 点评
推荐3星:[冰雪水灵儿]2008-6-24 19:40:20
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