
My father

十三小四年级四班 传递爱心

  He goes to bed very late.
 My father is Wang  Zhan  jun . He is 40 years old . He is a  worker , he likes his job very much . He always has his lunch at three o'ciock in the afternoon . Is it late ? Yes. Why? Because he is very busy . In the evening , he likes to watch TV . He goes to bed very late . I like my father very much.

位置:发表区   年级:小学4 关键字记一个人
来源:原创 字数:228 投稿日期:2009-5-10 19:37:00 点击:
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+2收藏 精品
+1还行 发表
-1真糟 退稿
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