
my favorite season

上外附小四年级 陈昕聆

  Summer is my favorite season. After spring, summer arrives lightly. She wants to show everyone that she is the best season of the year.  
  I love the flowers of summer. Thousands of beautiful flowers come together so that they are boring on the grass.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  I love the fruits of summer even more. Peach, mango, grapes, strawberry, watermelon and all kinds of delicious fruits make me feel cool and refreshed.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
  I love the sports of summer most. Because there is a Olympic Games in this summer. There is a lot of games: football, basketball, badminton, and so on. We oh so looking TV of the Olympic Games.  
  Ah, Summer. You always warm my heart with your sun, cool my senses with your fruits, and fill my eyes with your beautiful flowers. I love you, summer!

位置:发表区   年级:小学4 关键字,英语,四季
来源: 字数:611 投稿日期:2008-9-9 17:12:00 点击:
  花梦甜 点评
推荐3星:[花梦甜]2008-9-9 17:19:43
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