

£你╈我£【两片叶子∮相会⊙的⊙地方】┅—→ 孤独恶魔

  One day aroud 11:00a.m. The girl was going to park by bike.Aroud 11:10a.m. the girl was going to visit lake. SO she decided to leave her bike near the lake. At that moment a men look her and her bike. Aroud 11:15a.m. while the girl was leaving her bike. The men stole the bike. Aroud 11:20a.m. the girl didn't find her bike. She called police. so that they can help her to find out her bike. At11:25a.m.. A police found the man.But unlicky the man was sell her bike.  

位置:发表区   年级:初中2 关键字,英语,校园,同学
来源: 字数:378 投稿日期:2008-8-8 12:57:00 点击:
  木魔仙子 点评
推荐2星:[木魔仙子]2008-8-8 14:50:21
+2收藏 精品
+1还行 发表
-1真糟 退稿