"Beibei"bery cute,round head,hurg ears,as indifferent to everything around her.A pair of round eyes hygiene moment dipt the front of the nole,like the triangle on the ground things like seatch.It is light guay gair,and alway"Ming-Ming-"is called,as if looking for her mother like infants.
I always play it to play.Sometimes I took shake biscuits bifore it,it can always follow me silly.
小荷作文网 www.zww.cnOnce I put it on hold to play the firld,wich later went under a tree tree,white another ran home and jumped into the arms of Grandma......there is a mouth with a biscuit it fell asleep,probably play it was too tired
小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cnThis is my lovely dog外婆家"Babe"