
Seasons in China

省实验学校5年级 飞逝幽梦

  Many many colourful flowers and green grass in this season. And they adorn the spring. Some animals wake up. How a vivid season!
  My favourite season is winter. Because that is a white world! It is very beautiful! Like a fairy tale world. In winter, I can play with snow、I can make a snowman and skate. I feel very happy! 
  Spring is a pretty season. The wind is warm. Many many colourful flowers and green grass in this season. And they adorn the spring . Some animals wake up. How a vivid season!
  Summer is a good season. Though it’s very hot, but I can eat tasty ice-creams and swim in the swimming-pool. It’s very cool!
  Autumn is a golden season. the weather is usually windy and cool. I can pick fruits. They’re so delicious. I also watch the leave fall. The leaves are colourful.
  I like all seasons. Because they’ re all beautiful!

位置:精品区 年级:小学5 关键字:,四季
作文id:34007 来源:原创 字数:575 投稿日期:2005-4-9 9:48:00 点击:
  LIJ 点评
very good---- By LIJ 2006-3-29 15:09:59

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