
Something about the bible.

__空城__{没有神过往}。 VAMPIRE13

Something about the Bible.  
First of all, I’m an atheist, which means I’m an unforgivable soul in god’s eyes. Since a sinner can no longer be sinned, I don’t give a damn about being punished.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
So, how did the universe begin? There is the big ban theory and the ‘god made everything’ theory. There is a funny way to combine the two. God was wrestling with someone, and I guess he was pushing to hard and yeah, he farted with a loud and big ‘bang’ sound, creating the universe.  
Anyways, back to the topic. First there were darkness and chaos. And somehow god created earth and stars. Then he said “Let there be light” and puff, there was light. Says so on the bible. He used up all six days to create things and left the last day to rest. There’s something that’s bothering me about the way bible was written. If there were no human, who recorded the first six days? Did god do something and then write down “God says, let there be let there be an expanse between waters to separate water from water”? That must be pretty stupid. And I guess that God saw this was not good enough to convince others, and made a new testament.  
“He also made the stars. God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.” Now he didn’t mention the Sun. Didn’t this ‘Mr. I know everything upon earth heaven and hell’ knew that the stars were not a source and cannot produce light?  
Who cares let’s get to the interesting part. The bible says human were already created on the 6th day. But then after everything was created, God made Adam and Eve out of dust. That is a very stupid paradox. Try explaining it.  
Adam and Even ate the fruit, which was believed to be a fig, and they were casted out of the Garden of Eden. Humans owned him big. Humans are sinners. What God tries to teach us is, we are sinners the moment we were born. And if we kill ourselves out of guilt that would be more sins to suffer.  
At last he was like “Oh crap I wanna destroy mankind!” and then to Noah, “Make sure you bring 2 of each specie.”  
The bible, some says with their little eyes sparkling with excitement, is just unbelievable. Yep, it sure isn’t.   
God, if there is one, is like this Santa who puts you on a death list instead of a naughty list. Who never shows up when we are in needs and expects us to worship him. He didn’t help animals when they were torn by leopards. Hey, it’s natural selection! And he didn’t appear when American troops invaded Iraq. Hey, it’s social Darwinism! Yet, he can’t control the present but the future, and when the future comes to present, he can’t control that either. He is a big bowl of empty talk and bullshit.  

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来源: 字数:2124 投稿日期:2008-7-26 6:27:00 点击:
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