

My family

州城二中 XK6

  My name is Xu Kai.I have a happy family. There are three people in my family.
  My name is Xu Kai.I have a happy family. There are three people  
in my family .   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  My father is a teather .His birthday is May ninth .He is thiry-nine   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
years old .He is medium height and he is medium build . He has short  
straight hairs .He likes work with children .He works late and he works  
hard .He’s very busy every day .He works five days a week, from Monday  
to Friday .Sometimes he works on Saturdays or Sundays .His teiephone  
number is 2452261. He has a smaii sports collection .He has two basketball ,two baseballs ,one tennis racket and five ping-pong balls .He plays sports evey day .He likes playing ping-pong and basketball .For breakfast .He eats eggs ,bananas and humburger .For lunch .He eats chicken,salad and tomatoes. For dinner .He likes pears,French fries and strawberries .He likes comedies .He can play chess but he can’t play it very well .He usually gets up at 6:00am goes to bed at 10:00pm .He likes panadas .He thinks they are friendly .  
  My mother is a teacher, too .Her birthday is November seventeenth . She is forty years old .She’s medium height and she is thin .She has beautiful long black hair .She works very late and she works hard .She is a good teacher .Her telephone number is 13562879853. She likes playing sports .She often plays ping-pong ball with me .For breakfast.She likes apples,pears and noodles .For lunch .She likes beef ,strawberries and oranges .For dinner .she likes humburgers French fries and tomatoes .She likes action movies She thinks they are vevy funny . But she doesn’t like Beijing opera .She thinks they are boring .She usually gets up at 5:40am ,she goes to bed at 10:00pm .  
  I’m a student .My brithday is November-twenty .I’m thirteen years old .I’m medium height and I am medium build .I have short straight hairs .I like to play tennis and play Ping-pong ball .For breakfast ,I eat bananas ,beef and eggs .For lunch .I eat humburger French fries and oranges .For dinner .I like strawberries chicken and salad .I usually get up at 6:30am .I go to bed at 9:30pm .  
  My parents love me and I love them too .I love happy family very much .

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位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字,英语
作文id:225614 来源:原创 字数:1717 投稿日期:2008-6-14 19:09:00 点击:344
  10003055 点评 ★★★☆☆  
推荐3星:[10003055]2008-6-14 21:25:09
+2收藏 精品 2
+1还行 发表 2
-1真糟 退稿 0
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