初中1年级 记叙文阅读指导

School Trip

实验初中七(7)班 巨郝翁

  Attention please!as we know,we will have a two-day school trip this weekend,so i have something important to tell you here,first of all we should know clearly about our travel plan:
   Attention please!as we know,we will have a two-day school trip this weekend,so i have something important to tell you here,first of all we should know clearly about our travel plan:on the first day we are going to Five-thousand-year Chinese Cultural Museum in the morning and after lunch Mount Tianzhu.on the second day we plan to have great fun in Mount Jushi and Zhengfeng Tower.we will pay a short visit to Chen Duxiu's Tomb,Haizi's Former Home and Linhu Park on our way backto Anqing City.please take enough drinks and your snacks with you.it's important for us to protect our environment and at last take good care of ourselves.
   Have a good time in Anqing.Thank you.
位置:发表区 年级:初中1 关键字:
作文id:815832 来源:原创 字数:573 投稿日期:2015-5-14 18:55:00 点击:
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