初中1年级 记叙文阅读指导

The cars in the future

杨浦区凯慧中学初一(4)班 徐懿森

  Fly kite give me a lot of fun.
The car of the future that is quite a domineering, the future of the car can fly, and high human-like robots, anytime, anywhere provide you with what you need ', 'oh, forget to introduce me, I am from 2160 high, Ph.D., of all cars are made by me at that time to study, I am using is from the sun's outer course ware made of nanometer sunspots, cars do not need to use gasoline, because the international protection of the gas is then things, which is illegal.
Oh, forget to introduce you to introduce the performance of the car.The local we can fly from earth to the moon, only need one hour, so to speak with you, only need more than 1 miao from China to the United States, how, my bad.
Oh, who pinch my face, it hurts.Get up, or we'll be late.Ah, the original is a dream, I want to study hard, let the dream come true.

位置:发表区 年级:初中1 关键字:,英语
作文id:795134 来源:原创 字数:662 投稿日期:2014-12-21 14:23:00 点击:
  SKY少羽 点评

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