
Yoyo’s Class

西安西一路小学二年级一班 含芝

  Yoyo is a little girl that I met on the net. She’s seven years old this year.
  Yoyo is a little girl that I met on the net. She’s seven years old this year. She’s in Grade 1. She lives in Jiangsu, China. And she had a class with a foreign teacher. All of her answers are great and some of them are also funny.  
  At the beginning of the class, Yoyo told the teacher that she had just lost a baby tooth. And the teacher said that she knows it now.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  The teacher asked Yoyo, “Do you like science?” Yoyo said, “I loved science, and a science cartoon is called Magic School Bus.” And the teacher said, “I understands now.”  
  The teacher asked Yoyo, “What do you know about science?” Yoyo said, “I know there are many kinds of science, like water science, fire science, fossil science, and rock science.”  
  Then, Yoyo asked the teacher what goes “tick tock, tick tock”。 The teacher said, “It is a clock.” But Yoyo said it isn’t a clock. And Yoyo gave more clues to the teacher. Some of them are: Something pick up something and examine it. It can pick up small things. It has no fur, and it’s white. And the teacher guesses for many times, but still couldn’t guess it right. Then Yoyo said the answer, “Put it into your nose, and pull out one nose fur and examine it.” The teacher giggled and said, “Oh, so that’s the answer, I was having a hard time guessing what it is.” Yoyo giggled a little too.  
  And at the last few seconds, the foreign teacher and Yoyo said goodbye to each other.  
位置:发表区   年级:小学2 关键字,英语
作文id:732859 来源:原创 字数:1129 投稿日期:2013-6-9 21:07:00 点击:
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