
My Horrible Day


  At noon.I have never eaten so much food.Because I am so sad and so angry.
          My Horrible Day  
   Today is my horrible day----May 28th.I have a lot of bad things.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
In the morning.There are two bad things are waiting me.One is my math homework,I forget it at home.My math teacher likes me a lot.But I am lost hope by her.The other is English class.It is my favorite class.My team loses one mark,because I say "with" is a adv..Teacher says:"You are wrong!",and my team lose one mark.And then class over.We lose.I am very sad.Because I say "with" is a adv..I cry and smile.I don't know why do I smile.Maybe I am so sad.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
   At noon.I have never eaten so much food.Because I am so sad and so angry.  
   In the afternoon.The first claas is P.E..I become a little happier.But bad things crop up again.P.E. teacher says"You are not very good."And he doesn't write the class grade.We will be crazy.And my teacher curses us.And my Chinese class also have a bad thing.We have a Chinese test.Zhai Tingting gets full marks.But my examination paper only get 98 marks.I bother her.I find a wrong place from her examination paper.Teacher minuses her examunation paper 2 marks.And she bows with me.We become indifferent.But we were the best friend.  
   Today,I lose confidence.I lose glory,I lose friendship.I think I am the poorest.So today is my horrible day.Am I pitiful? I don't think so.Because the bad things are I do by myself!!!Don't pity me!!!

位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字,英语,记一件事
来源: 字数:1152 投稿日期:2008-7-30 15:57:00 点击:
  雪冰灵 点评
推荐3星:[雪冰灵]2008-7-30 22:05:48
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