

实验中学一(3)班 婉湘雪

  I belong to the negligible clan
I belong to the negligible clan  
I live in the arms of the plant   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
I am only in numerous plants   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
but hundreds of millions of blades  
a unattractive one is not a bit smaller  
I am too young  
can't compare with any kind of plant  
But I am very old  
because this big a thousand is in the world  
I have a lot of partners  
they can not tell you and me like me  
but I never feel oneself inferior  
because this is that a circle can't have no me  
have no me  
will be exhausted quickly in the ocean of the life  
have deep love for the nature  
have deep love for the sun  
have deep love for the rain and dew  
they have brought up me  
I can compared with plum blossom  
it is it insult the cold spirit set free alone to have  
I can compared with rose  
it has pleasant appearance  
I can compared with tree peony  
it is noble and refined  
Whenever spring come  
I always set off them with my partners  
I belong to the negligible clan  
my strength is too small  
but hundreds of millions of blades  
one is me  
hundreds of millions of loyal hearts  
one is me  
I ......  
My passion is sprayed like volcano  
it is all the spraying spring scenery in motherland to grow and die  

位置:发表区   年级:初中0 关键字,植物
来源: 字数:893 投稿日期:2004-11-27 20:38:00 点击:
  小颖子 点评
+2收藏 精品
+1还行 发表
-1真糟 退稿
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