

师大 可爱321

  Civilization, this is a no stranger to the words, it is a symbol of social progress. For thousands of years, mankind is the constant pursuit of the word. In 2008, we will greet the guests around the world, to develop good habits act on a matter of priority. -China "countries with ancient civilizations," "Liyizhibang" with the world but only forefathers left us the reputation of these, enough to hold up the banner of the Olympic Games this surface. If people do not care about a civilization, will affect the country's honor, will affect the small self-image. When the Qing Dynasty, Li minister as ambassador to Russia, in a public place a spit Koutan, Diujin the Chinese people face. This is a non-compliance with the civilized community of the lessons of history.  
     In fact, want to be a civilized person is not difficult, the key is to start small, from within. China Central Television has been broadcasting an ad: a juvenile morning exercises, running on the side, also thrown into the roadside garbage bins, also the uphill effort to help a tricycle carts for the elderly, have done a good thing all the way, the happiness of others Also satisfied with his own. As long as you are willing to head, bent down to pick up the garbage thrown into the trash, as long as you do not come from the grass as long as when you spit out a piece of paper, as long as you do not say bad language ... ... you are a civilized people A.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
     Let us act now in order to start their own, bit by bit from the little things, to develop good habits, so students of civilization and civilized citizens, to build a civilized city.
位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字,环保
作文id:271800 来源:原创 字数:1377 投稿日期:2008-10-26 8:49:00 点击:
  寒雪映梅 点评
推荐3星:[寒雪映梅]2008-11-19 21:22:28
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