
The Great Wall(内有翻译)

广西梧州旺甫 上级

  The world-renowned Great Wall more than 6,000
    The world-renowned Great Wall more than 6,000 km in length, with more than 12,000 li, it is known as "The Great Wall" is worthy of the name. Qin Shihuang ordered for the beginning of construction of the Great Wall, before and after the use of hundreds of thousands of migrant workers, and 39 years before completion. The construction of the Great Wall, north Huns help resist the harassment, thus ensuring the normal agriculture where, The economic development of China has played an important role in the area. Yuanwang wall, the tall, majestic, meandering miles, surrounded by the rolling downs crisis summit halls around the tall, majestic Castle Peak. In this green ocean, it is like a gray dragon, in the mountainous entwine between. North was a poet with a poem to describe the risks, the long, high : "Great Wall dangerous terrain along with the cloud level." It contains the first American astronauts to land on the moon, the earth in space, see, the most obvious is building the Great Wall. By the wall tiles, 3--5 meter high wall topped with the profile is very suitable defensive. Great Wall has BADAGUAN : Shanhaiguan, Juyongguan, Zijingguan, Yanmenguan, Niangziguan, MIGRAINEURS relations, Jiayuguan, Yumenguan. The most famous of Shanhaiguan, the mountains and the sea, in the boundless waves between tall cliffs, known as "the number one control point." Shanhaiguan is the view of military strategists in history, the end of the Ming Dynasty and Qing Li Zicheng with the drop in gunfire Wu Sangui. Juyongguan followed, in this juncture, the meeting Khan had with Jinbing guns. In modern times, emotions, customs ~ 2 feet farmers are courageously fighting over this aggressor nations. L930s, carrying knives, guns customs check of the two Chinese athletes in the Japanese aggression against China. They used their own flesh and blood to build a wall to defend the nation. Block is the enduring miracle of the Great Wall, is a crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese people, a symbol of a long history of the Chinese nation. reflect courage of the Chinese people.
    举世闻名的长城全长6000多公里,有12000多里 它被称为"万里长城",是名副其实的. 秦始皇下令开始修筑长城, 前后用了数十万民工,39年前完工. 建造万里长城,帮助抵御北方匈奴骚扰,从而确保了正常的农业、 中国经济的发展起到了重要的作用. 远望城墙,高大雄伟,蜿蜒万里,四周被起伏滚动危机峰会会堂周围高大 雄伟的青山. 在这绿色的海洋,这就像一个灰色的龙,盘绕在山野之间. 北方诗人的诗句,形容与风险,长期高: "长城沿线的地形云一级危险" 它含有美国太空人首次登陆月球、地球与空间,看得见 最明显的是建造万里长城. 由墙壁瓷砖3--5米高的围墙已突破防卫姿态是非常合适的. 万里长城八大关:山海关、居庸关、紫荆关、雁门关、娘子关、头痛关系嘉峪关、玉门. 最有名的山海关、高山与大海,在茫茫的海浪高大绝壁之间, 被称为"天下第一关" 山海关是军事战略家认为,历史上 <明末清、李自成与吴三桂下降枪声. 居庸关其次,在这个时刻,这次会议提供了汗枪劲. 在近代,情绪、海关~2英尺农民侵略者英勇战斗在这个国家. -20携带尖刀、枪支海关检查两个中国运动员在日本侵华. 他们用自己的血肉筑起一道墙,以保卫国家. 座不朽的奇迹,是万里长城,是智慧的结晶,是中国人民 象征中华民族的悠久历史. 反映了中国人民的勇气.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字,话题作文,英语
作文id:102925 来源:原创 字数:2327 投稿日期:2006-12-24 12:16:00 点击:
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