
Journey to the west

   The story happened in tang dynasty. A teacher and pupil four people were ordered to go to India to obtain buddhist scriptures. Their name is; Tang's monk, the Monkey King, pig eight quit, sand monk. They are all special skills. They send a ghost, all the way through wringer to buddhist paradise to obtain the scriptures.  
   This story tell; We do not experience wind and rain, how see rainbow.

  译文: 这个故事发生在唐朝。有师徒4人奉命去西天取经。他们的名字叫;唐僧,美猴王,猪八戒和沙和尚。他们各个身怀绝技。他们一路降妖伏魔,历经九九八十一难才到西天取得经书。这个故事告诉;我们不经历风雨怎么会看见彩虹。
位置:发表区 年级:小学5 关键字:,英语
作文id:772394 来源:原创 字数:428 投稿日期:2014-5-11 16:32:00 点击:
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