
Reason to smile

武义县桐琴镇东干村东干中学 陆莞琳

  Smile so the world can be a peaceful dove.
Reason to smile  
How can one smile such sweet smile,   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
When one is so sad for miles?   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
How can I smile the same smiles,  
When life brings me nothing but tears?  
I wondered for so long  
What reason you had to smile that long;  
To keep smiling thought troubles come.  
And still remain sweet and silently overcome.  
I feel happy when I see you smile.  
Even if I’m sad and lonely,  
Your smiles bring me somewhere;  
I don’t even know where  
But it was you,  
You gave me the reason to smile,  
To smile with no reason.  
To smile for a smile.  
I guess life is just like that.  
We need not a reason to smile,  
For a smile is the reason itself,  
I learned to smile because of you.  
Because your smiles bring me joy when blue.  
It proves how well and powerful.  
A simple sweet smile can because so beautiful.  
Smile for the sake of a smile.  
Smile for the sake of happiness,  
Smile for the sake of life.  
Smile because of hope life in life.  
Smile my friends,  
Smile for me, my love.  
Smile those same sweet smiles,  
Smile so the world can be a peaceful dove.

位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字,日记,英语
来源: 字数:816 投稿日期:2010-8-20 16:27:00 点击:

推荐3星:[杨晓宁]2010-8-21 9:44:37
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