

Read the huang jiguang, inductive"!

抚远县沁园小区8#楼2单元401 魔狮独尊

  Huang jiguang, a familiar name anymore,

  Huang jiguang, a familiar name anymore, he was born in a difficult of the family, he was the devil in hate, at joined the military, in the army training seriously, in a battle, army charge a few times, under siege enemy a fortress, and offered to fry the huang jiguang fortress, he holds a generation of explosives, lying prone in a bit close to the enemy, he risked his enemy intensive fire, in is about to, when his right leg unfortunate hit, he hard creeping, when he again got up he, hand satchel charges, with the hand top the satchel charges on the fortress, only heard a loud noise, huang jiguang, and the enemy mutually assured destruction, ChongFengHao began again, the five-star red flag flying in, hand satchel charges in his life became the last of the position.  

  See here is I think, today we can live in capacious, bright quiet in the classroom is hard-won, it is to use a heroic sacrifice blood against the warriors, but some students not good study, don't go to the motherland, but where the sweat with parents earn money to play, don't tease parents our motherland will be strong? Won't, only good good study, can offer tomorrow for the country that meager strength, if all day learning, it would be too depressed, we know that parents expect of us are very high, even if a talent, that also is only one will only study, not the life of the machine, only the comprehensive development, can become the new century talents.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn

  We are the Chinese nation will carry on the fine tradition and virtue, only build China more beautiful, can see China the hope of tomorrow   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn

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位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字,话题作文
作文id:641415 来源:原创 字数:1295 投稿日期:2011-11-28 12:36:00 点击:342
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