
A Letter for My Foreign Teacher

西安西一路小学二年级一班 含芝

  And she said,“We’re from Miami, Florida.”“Oh,” I said with surprise.“My English teacher also lives at Miami, Florida.”
Dear Teacher Stephanie,  
  小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  Last Saturday, My grandpa brings me to Xi’an’s Bell&Drum Tower Square. I met four foreign tourists. I give them a greeting, “Hello. Good afternoon. Welcome to Xi’an.” And they said, “Good afternoon. Thank you.” I asked them which country are they from. One grandma said, “We’re from the United States.” Then, I asked them, “Which city are you from of the United States?” And she said, “We’re from Miami, Florida.” “Oh,” I said with surprise. “My English teacher also lives at Miami, Florida.” The grandma gives me a big smile. Then she began to tell me something about Miami. Just like, “Miami is near the sea, there are many fishes and dolphins in the sea…” And we talked for a little while. A grandpa also took a photo of me. He also let me see the photo of me. When we say goodbye, the grandma and the grandpa turn around to wave for three times.  
  This day, I met some people who live in the same city with you. And they are very kind. I was very happy. If one day, I met that you come to Xi’an. I think that’s even better.  
位置:发表区   年级:小学2 关键字,书信
作文id:726419 来源:原创 字数:868 投稿日期:2013-4-14 20:49:00 点击:

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