

襄樊市三十五中七(七)班 冰霜小龙

  大家应该都看过《武林外传》吧,里面的吕秀才和郭芙蓉的PK应该是很好看的,我就用我现有的英语水平把他翻译一部分吧! PS:我真的是初一,没有上过任何补习班
英语:            Round one fight!  
Xiucai Lv says:” Bigmouth Li eat three pieces of steamed bread every meal, well then how many pieces does Bigmouth Li eat in March? "Guo Furong says: "Every meal eat three pieces, then times three, then times thirty, final multiply by three months, well then he eats eight hundreds and ten pieces!" Xiucai Lv says: "No! It Should are two hundreds and seventy pieces!" Guo Furong says: "Why?" Xiucai Lv says:"I say is March, I didn’t say there are three months!" (March is the third month, and in Chinese,   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
               Round two fight!   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
Guo Furong says:"I take ten showers every month, question, How many showers do I take in a year?" Xiucai Lv says: "One hundred and twenty!" Guo Furong says: "Ha-ha, should a hundred and ten!" Xiucai Lv says: "Why?" Guo Furong says: It Doesn't allow to take a shower in the first moon!"  
中文:            第一局,开始!  
本人注:pieces of steamed bread是馒头的意思,在外国,“蒸的面包”就是馒头;times是乘以,比如说three times four就是3乘以4;multiply by也是乘以的意思;didn't就是don't的意思;should是“应该是”的意思;还有,在外国,take a bath和take a shower是不一样的,take a bath是指冲澡(就是用淋浴头喷水洗澡),而take a shower是指泡澡(在盆子里泡澡,古代没有淋浴头,所以……)  

位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字武林
来源: 字数:1267 投稿日期:2007-3-18 20:45:00 点击:
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-1真糟 退稿
 同题作文:  到百度搜索“武林外传英文版”
  • 武林外传英文版 753字 (冰霜小龙 襄樊市三十五中七(七)班)