So what will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? There is no doubt that the Chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition.
小荷作文网 www.zww.cnhe soul while cultural interaction is an important mission of the World Expositions. In the new era, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will contribute to human-centered development, scientific and technological innovation, cultural diversity, win-win cooperation for a better future, thus composing a melody with the key notes of highlighting innovation and interaction in the new century.
小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn中国2010年上海世博会将是一曲以“创新”和“融合”为主旋律的交响乐。创新是世博会亘古不变的灵魂;跨文化的碰撞和融合,则是世博会一如既往的使命。“以人为本、科技创新、文化多元、合作共赢、面向未来”——上海世博会将在新的时代背景下继续弘扬“创新”和“融合”的主旋律,创作一曲人类新世纪的美妙乐章。
Expo 2010 Shanghai China will also be a grand international gathering. On the one hand, we shall endeavor to attract about 200 nations and international organizations to take part in the exhibition as well as 70 million visitors from home and abroad, ensuring the widest possible participation in the history of the World Expositions. On the other hand, we will put Expo 2010 Shanghai China in a global perspective and do our best to encourage the participation and gain the understanding and support of various countries and peoples, in order to turn Expo 2010 Shanghai China into a happy reunion of peoples from all over the world.
We count on the continuing attention, support and participation of all the peace-loving countries.