

清远市清城区后街中学初一(10)班 李东海

 Canada is in the onth of North America.It lies between two oceans;tle Atlantic on the east and the pacific on the west.  
(加拿大位于北美洲半部,它东到大西洋,西到太平洋.)   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
 Canada which is the second largest country in the world,covers an are a of 9.9million square kilometers.Ottana is its capital,which lies in the southeast of Canada.  
 Canada has a population of over 30 millicn,58 percent of whom live mainly around the so called Great Lakes and Guebec city.Canada is a biligual country whose official Canguage are English and Frenvh.  
                        I LOVE Canada  

位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字,英语
来源:自作 字数:565 投稿日期:2007-12-22 16:56:00 点击:
  凝梦冰澜 点评
推荐发表:[凝梦冰澜]2008-1-6 9:37:48
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-1真糟 退稿