

暗落,无人处。 依依

Rain, the heavens sank. -  
Voice roars of,.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
Anger is, I could.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
Under the tree, website Bus.  
Throughout the rain,  
The scarce, over  
How few passers - by in a Google got.  
With the mud been pressed in greatly, the footprints  
Present rain full vicissitudes.  
Happiest, beam  
The Windows to Keep out of his act.  
Ah, good sir The rain.  
Don 't mind, who no  
Clouds of stress pressure.  
Pressing Return overdo,  
Wander seems is in.  
Stray rooms,  
Love is, on  
Love is on the rain  
Love is of the bit on regrets.  
Entrusts the longing for childhood, wish infinite  
Foiling my childhood dream 6.  
Bustling streets and  
XuXuShiShi flowerpot, w.t.  
Refer to the pa gloomy.  
Ah, Lifelike  
Lifelike which.  
Rain is still in emails under,  
In the accident, my finger tips  
The invade my nails rain within does not be freezing.  
Ice, freezing.  
The split, which finds  
Can 't will split the stars.  
The rain, presented campaigns  
And at first infinite.  
Go, Go to rain or not.  
Fly, have 't Fly family.  
Circuitous cord,  
From The butterfly.  
Dream ah,  
Gently floating.  
Like clouds,  
Don 't have the footprint.  
Like dandelions,  
Don 't have whereabouts.  
LiuXu fluttering,  
Like in cheering.  
The rain! Rain,  
I don 't you descend, you  
I am going to place,  
Wish To its country throughout.  
When The strike 6 copy  
Do you have?  
My heart in faint wounds,  
Indulge in wilful persecution,  
Trance rooms.
位置:发表区   年级:小学5 关键字
来源: 字数:1105 投稿日期:2011-3-18 18:16:00 点击:
  醇白瑟 点评

推荐3星:[醇白瑟]2011-3-18 20:53:11
+2收藏 精品
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-1真糟 退稿