
书面表达IV[My best friend..]


I met her yesterday . I can’t remember  our how long we met . Many years ago ,we was best friend.I still remember ,she like  juice , like reading ,doesn’t she ?One year  ago  ,we together  had a important exam .she didn’t had a good mark .SO, she was very sad .This matter left her without a way of hope .“Don’t give up ! We Are Best!”I said ,“Bliene by in yourself!” As time goes by my memory seems to got worse.Suddenly,I forgot to say to her :I miss you ,every time ! Never change!”   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
位置:发表区   年级:初中3 关键字
作文id:670867 来源:原创 字数:407 投稿日期:2012-5-4 17:55:00 点击:
  糖飞梦 点评

推荐2星:[糖飞梦]2012-5-4 19:03:03
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