
Unity is strength

金苹果学校 石一

  To sum up,unity is strength!
  Unity  is  
  strength   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  One day,three sheep are playing ,they walk on the road.There is a wolf behing them .The wolf is very hungry ,he wants to eat the poor sheep.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
  The sheep are cliscovering the wolf.  
  They are very afraid ,but in order to live,they must keep away the wolf.They consult and consult,finally they have a method:using the horns to keep away the wolf.  
  Three sheep use the horns to overthorw the wolf .Now ,the wolf is afraid,it knows the sheep is not bully.  
  The wolf is going ,the sheep is happy .They say:Hurey !Hurey!  
  The weak sheep can keep the strong wolf away.  
  To sum up ,unity is strength!

位置:发表区   年级:小学5 关键字英语童话作文
来源: 字数:493 投稿日期:2007-11-5 19:50:00 点击:
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推荐发表:[奔驰]2008-1-28 15:15:12
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