
My birthday party

新店中心小学 蔡舒桐

  Today is Sunday, I’s hot today. The air is fresh, the sky is blue, the cloud is white. The scene is so beautiful here.
  My birthday party  
  Today is Sunday, I’s hot today. The air is fresh, the sky is blue, the cloud is white. The scene is so beautiful here. There are many trees, the trees here are green, there are many birds in the trees, singing the songs. They are very happy, we are very happy, too.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  Can you guess, what day is it today? Good! That great! Today is my birthday! There are many friends at my home, they says:”Happy birthday for you!”They are very funny.  
  Today, I wears my favorite dress, this is white . Look at me! My hair is white, I have two big blue eyes, and a small mouth, I’m very happy!  
  There are many sweet food on the table, they are cock、chicken 、beef、cafe ……  
  What a happy day! 
位置:发表区   年级:小学5 关键字,记一件事
作文id:700692 来源:原创 字数:555 投稿日期:2012-10-29 21:16:00 点击:
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