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2017-6-1 16:26:30

 In life we want to climb a higher mountain, and want to go further. At the same time, we should keep our heart calm and never forget our inner world.
 Don't forget the beginner's mind , even if when you are in failure. Li qingzhao has once praised Xiang yu, but for me I don't think so. Failure is not a terrible thing. He committed suicide at the Wujiang River, which seems to me is the fear of failure. His failure showed that he has forgotten his original purpose. What he thought was just how to climb higher mountain, and go further. He has lost  the most important point, returning to the heart, quiet meditation.   
 Don't forget the beginner's mind, even with a silver spoon in your mouth. There is an old saying, "From clogs to clogs is only three generations". The rich are all on their own struggle. Zhu yuanzhang was once a beggar, and sometimes even ate a bowl of rice. After he became the emperor, he started to improve the welfare for people. Because he knew the most important thing of a country is to make people live a better life. Without people's support, there will not be a country. Because he was once poor, he knew the importance of the wealth. And he did not forget his  beginner's  mind. The success of Zhu yuanzhang shows that he did not forget his inner world. In