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致2100年(A Letter to Year 2100)

2014-5-9 16:56:45
now valued by the amount of money they make over a weekend. for your horrified amusement, see if u dig up something called"scream" or "the blair with project".

  we enlarge and expand. we have recently found out that the entired universe is expanding more than we had initially believed.we build, invent and discover at a peace that is dizzing for us,perhaps turtle footed for you. i wonder how far you have progressed.i wonder if you figured out how to make the best use of the past. i see you looking back at us.you see us looking out of at you.because we can imagine one another, we constitute each other`s dreams.

  outside,the air is cold and deep. the moom hangs in a fingernail of light. the clouds conspire and retreat to reveal your strats and ours. come. walk with me in the chill still of the night.


  roger rosenblatt

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