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A Global Snapshot of Generation e (4)|伊(e)人风采录(4)

Nationality: Russia.
Hobbies: Graffiti art3.
Talents: Drawing.
Favorite Sports: Wakeboarding4.
Whom do you most admire? Nobody really, but I can probably say my cousin, Anton.
Favorite Possession: My wakeboard.
Do you help with chores at home? Yes. I tidy up my room and I occasionally wash the dishes.
Do you use Internet? Yes, mostly for e-mail, or if I need to find information.
Where would you most want to travel? To Australia, because I know very little about it, and I have already been to many places.
What comes to mind when you think of China? Chinese bells because I have them in my room.
     …and the United States? Supermarkets; skyscrapers; and hamburgers.
     …and France? Small narrow streets and the Eiffel Tower.
What do you talk about with friends? What is most on my mind at the moment: clothes; boys; money; school.
What do you want to know about other girls your age? What they have on their minds.
About Me
Sometimes it seems to me that I am alone. Nobody in this world can understand me. But really it is not so. My friends remember me and we have a laugh together. What can be better than friends, especially when you are in a good mood? But if you are in a bad mood, you need friends even more. When I am in a bad mood, my friends always make it better. They simply say a few nice words that improve my mood. Then I no longer feel like a white crow5  in this world, but feel part of it, like I belong in the society. This is most important for me at the moment.
However, sometimes I get the impression that everyone lives inside their own shell and only for themselves. Or maybe it is only I who lives inside my own shell. Sometimes it seems that everyone wants something from me and that nobody would do anything for nothing. And sometimes it feels that I cannot let anybody into my heart; it's open but nobody wants to get in. at these moments, I can't do anything with myself.
I am made of two parts: optimist6 and pessimist7. When I wake up, I never know through what color glasses I will see the world today. People who know me have gotten used to this, and to those that do not know me, I always tell them in advance so as not to scare them away8.
But my best friends always know right away what kind of mood I am in.
Only one thing really gets on my nerves9: monotony. Every day being the same, getting up in the morning, going to school, then back home, then doing my homework, and going to sleep. Every day the same! I would go mad... On the other hand, you never know what might happen to you from one day to the next; I might meet new friends or maybe old friends will get in touch with me.
And school—I can't say that I like it, but it is fun. My friends are there and I spend most of my life there. Then, I have Sundays. I get tired more on this day than any other in the whole week, as I am trying to fit into one day all varieties of activities that I could not do during the rest of the week. And when it does not work, I am cross with10 the whole world. But it does work, and without special efforts, then you understand what people live on the Earth for and the whole of life is beautiful!
I am romantic. I can't listen just to rock or rap. I don't understand people who think that if they like hip-top and somebody else doesn't, then that person is hopeless and there is no point even to talk to him. Everyone has the right to their own opinion and it does not matter what style of music he listens to. Most important is a person's personality.

If I could be...
I have thought that I should become a lawyer. Lawyers will always be needed. And my performing skills might be needed as a lawyer. If I were to become a lawyer, I would be able to put my efforts into changing this world in a better way, even if only a little bit.
I would also like to do something unusual, something outstanding, for example, to conquer the peak of an enormous11 mountain, to win a wakeboard competition, or at least to get rid of some of my bad points12.
I really want only one thing—to love and to be loved, to feel that I am not alone on this planet, that I am not an alien whom everyone is afraid of and does not understand. I want to feel sun every morning, not in the sky, but in my soul!