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Bill Clinton: My Life|比尔·克林顿:我的生活

When I was a young man just out of law school, I bought one of those how-to1 books: How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life, by Alan Lakein. The book's main point was the necessity of listing life goals, then categorizing2 them in order of their importance, with the A group being the most important, the B group next and the C the last. I still have that paperback3 book, and I remember the A list. I wanted to be a good man, have a good marriage and children, have good friends, make a successful political life and write a great book.
  Whether I'm a good man is, of course, for God to judge. I have been graced beyond measure4 by my family life with Hillary and Chelsea. No person I know ever had more or better friends, [and] my life in politics was a joy. As for the great book, who knows? It sure is a good story.
  Born William Jefferson Blythe IV, in Hope, Ark, in 1946, Clinton never knew his father, car salesman Bill Blythe, who died after an auto accident three months before he was born. When Clinton was a toddler5, his mother, Virginia, met the man who would become his stepfather Roger Clinton. Only later would Virginia and her young son discover that Roger, who had a fondness for gambling, was also an alcoholic.
  Mother and Roger got married in Hot Springs in June, 1950. Not long afterward, I started calling myself Billy Clinton. Roger really loved me and he loved Mother, but he couldn't ever quite break free of6 alcoholism, childish partying, and the verbal abuse of my Mother.
  My brother, Roger Cassidy Clinton, was born on July 25, his father's birthday. I was so happy. Mother and Daddy had been trying to have a baby for some time . I think she, and probably he too, thought it might save their marriage. Instead of making him more responsible, the birth of his only son prompted7 him to drink more.
  Junior high school brought a whole new set of experiences and challenges, as I began to learn more about my mind, my body, my spirit. Some of what came into my head and life scared the living hell out of me8, including anger at Daddy, I couldn't understand why a God whose existence I couldn't prove would create a world in which so many bad things happened.
  Because of the way Daddy behaved when he was angry and drunk, I associated anger with being out of control and I was determined not to lose control. Doing so could unleash9 the deeper, constant  anger I kept locked away because I didn't know where it came from. I had real secrets of my own, rooted in Daddy's alcoholism and abuse. They got worse when I was fourteen and in the ninth grade and my brother was only four. One night Daddy closed the door to his bedroom, started screaming at Mother, then began to hit her. Little Roger was scared. Finally I couldn't bear the thought of Mother being hurt and Roger being frightened anymore.
  I grabbed a golf club out of my bag and threw open their door. Mother was on the floor and Daddy was standing over her, beating on her. I told him to stop and said that if he didn't, I was going to beat the hell out of him with the golf club. He just caved10, sitting down in a chair next to the bed and hanging his head. Mother said she called the police and had Daddy taken to a jail for the night. I don't remember that, but I do know we didn't have any more trouble for a good while. I suppose I was sad about it, too. I just couldn't accept the fact that a basically good person would try to make his own pain go away by hurting someone else.  Clinton's interest in politics came at a young age. His involvement in a civic organization called Boys Nation took him to Washington in 1963, where he shook hands with John F. Kennedy at the White House. After graduating from Georgetown University in 1968, and two years in England as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, he enrolled at Yale Law School. One day in class, he became intrigued11 by a fellow student.
  She had a sense of strength and self-possession12 I had rarely seen in anyone, man or woman. After class I followed her out, intending to introduce myself. When I got a couple of feet from her, I reached out my hand to touch her shoulder, then immediately pulled it back. Somehow I knew that this wasn't another tap on the shoulder and that I might be starting something I couldn't stop.
  One night I was standing at one end of the long, narrow library talking to another student when I saw the girl again, standing at the other end of the room. After a while she closed her book, walked the length of the library, looked me in the eye, and said, "If you're going to keep staring back, we ought to at least know each other's names. Mine's Hillary Rodham. What's yours?" I was impressed and so stunned I couldn't say anything for a few seconds. Finally I blurted13 my name out. 
  A couple of days later, I was coming down the steps to the ground floor of the law school when I saw Hillary again. She was wearing a bright flowered skirt that nearly touched the floor. She said she was going to register14 for next term's classes, so I said I'd go, too. We stood in line and talked. I thought I was doing pretty well until we got to the front of the line. The registrar looked up at me and said, “Bill, what are you doing back here? You registered this morning.” I turned red, and Hillary laughed that big laugh of hers. My cover was blown, so I asked her to take a walk with me to the Yale art gallery to see the Mark Rothko exhibit. It was our first date.

  我的弟弟罗杰·卡西迪·克林顿出生在7月25日,这一天正好是他父亲的生日。 我非常高兴。母亲和父亲一直想要一个孩子。我心里想,她,还有他,认为这或许可以挽救他们的婚姻。然而,这孩子的降生并没有使他变得更有责任感,相反却促使他更加沉溺于酒精。
  克林顿年轻的时候就开始对政治感兴趣。他参加 了一个名为“少年国民”的民间组织,1963年来到了华盛顿,并有幸在白宫与约翰·F·肯尼迪握手。1968年,他从乔治敦大学毕业,接着到英国牛津大学作了两年的“罗兹”访问学者。之后,他又上了耶鲁大学法学院。有一天,在课堂上克林顿对一位同学着了迷。




1. how-to (美口)adj. (在手工艺、业余爱好等方面)提供入门知识的;教你怎样做的
2. categorize  v. 将…分类, 将…归类
3. paperback adj. 平装的,纸面装订的
4. beyond measure adv. 过分,极度,无可估量
5. toddler  n. 学步的儿童(通常指1至2岁半的孩子)

6. break free of 挣脱,(从整体中)强行分离出来
7. prompt  v. 促使,推动
8. scare the hell out of sb. 吓坏某人
   living hell 更为夸张
9. unleash   v. 放开,发出
10. cave v. 屈服,投降

11. intrigue   v. 激起好奇心,迷住,使迷惑,使困惑
12. self-possession n. 沉着,镇静,泰然自若
13. blurt  v. 脱口而出,冲口而出
14. register  v. 注册,登记