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Cinderella Stories|灰姑娘故事(现代版)


Mary Donaldson
Old Life: Australian lawyer
Royal Life: Queen of Denmark

  You can't get farther from the palaces of Europe than the remote places of Australia. But that's where Donaldson, 31, grew up, in a small home in Taroona on the island of Tasmania. The daughter of a college professor and a university vice-chancellor2, she moved to Sydney to pursue a law career and met Denmark's Crown Prince Frederik, 35, at a disco during the 2000 Olympics. Within a year Donaldson had moved to Copenhagen to be near her love, trading the courtroom for classes in protocol3 to fit in with4 one of Europe's oldest royal families. But as her May wedding approaches, Donaldson insists she is still an average Australian girl at heart, telling reporters she watched the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana on TV as a kid but wasn't impressed. “I wasn't thinking about becoming a princess,” she said. “I actually dreamt of becoming an animal doctor.”

Letizia Ortiz
Old Life: TV journalist
Royal Life: Future Queen of Spain

  Her mother is a nurse and her father a newspaper reporter, but Ortiz, 31, doesn't let her fiancé5, Crown Prince Felipe of Spain, control her actions. When Felipe, 35, interrupted her during a press conference to announce their engagement, she grabbed his arm and said: “Let me finish!” Introduced by friends at a dinner party last spring, the couple kept their love a secret until last autumn and decided marry in May. Though she has been married before to a college professor, that wedding was a civil ceremony, so she and Felipe can still have the church wedding his conservative Catholic6 parents want. “It's like a fairy tale,” says Ana Campillo, a journalist who knows Ortiz. “Not because she is marrying a prince but because she is marrying a man she loves.”

Claire Coombs
Old Life: Land surveyor
Royal Life: Belgian princess

  For years most Belgians assumed that Laurent, 40, the youngest son of King AlbertⅡand Queen Paola and eighth in line to his country's throne, would never marry, preferring fast cars to settling down. But after a Brussels dinner party in 2000, the prince decided to help with the dishes and wound up washing7 and drying with fellow guest Coombs, 29, the softspoken8 daughter of a British businessman and a Belgian mother. When the prince proposed two years later, he flushed so red with nervousness that Coombs, who worked at a surveyor's office in Wavre, Belgium, until her April 2003 wedding, burst out laughing9. Since then, the pair have avoided the media. Family and friends give Claire credit for slowing Laurent down10.

A Prince Makes a Sacrifice for Love

  Not all fairy tales are the same. Last year, when Prince Johan Friso, 35, third in line for the throne of the Netherlands11, announced his engagement to Mabel Wisse Smit, 35, the head of a Brussels-based human rights organization, his mother, Queen Beatrix, was very happy to be gaining a “lovable and talented” daughter-in-law. That is, until the media uncovered Wisse Smit's past relationship with a drug lord, which she had kept from the Dutch parliament, whose members must approve highranking royal marriages, rather than call off the wedding, Johna Friso gave up his right to the throne and weded Wisse Smit in a quiet April ceremony.

Ari Behn
Old Life: Author
Royal Life: Consort12 of Princess Martha Louise of Norway

  Royalty marrying common people is old news in liberal Norway, where Crown Prince Haakon wed single mom Mette-marit Tjessem Hoiby in 2001. So it was no shock to the Norwegian royals when Princess Martha, 32, announced her engagement to former playboy Behn, an author. Martha, who met Behn through his mother, one of her college tutors, didn't mind. “He makes me shine,” she said. Since their 2002 wedding, Behn has settled down, becoming a proud papa to baby Maud Angelica. King Harald said, “Who hasn't done one or two bad things in their youth?”




   蕾蒂西亚·奥蒂兹的母亲是位护士,父亲是名报社记者。她今年31岁,才不会让未婚夫、 35岁的西班牙王储菲利普王子管束她的行为呢。在宣布他们订婚的一次记者招待会上,菲利普插了一句话,她抓住他的胳膊说:“让我说完!”他们是头年春天在一次宴会上经朋友介绍相识的,爱情的秘密一直保持到去年秋天,他们定于五月完婚。她曾与一位大学教授有过一段婚姻,那次婚礼是次民俗仪式。所以这一次根据菲利普信奉天主教的保守父母的旨意,她和菲利普要举行教堂婚礼。熟悉奥蒂兹的记者阿娜·卡皮诺说:“这简直就像是童话故事。我不是说她嫁了王子,而是说,她嫁给了心中所爱的男子。”







1. Cinderella  n. 灰姑娘;(美貌或能力未被赏识的)女子
2. chancellor  n. 大学校长
3. trade  the  courtroom  for   classes   in protocol 法庭换成了礼仪课堂。
trade sth. for sth. 用…与…交换
protocol  n. 礼宾,外交礼节
4. fit in with 适应;与…相匹配
5. fiancé  n. 未婚夫
6. Catholic  adj. 天主教的
7. wind [waind] up doing 以…告终
8. softspoken  adj. 细声细气的,说话斯文的
9. burst out laughing 突然笑起来
10. give sb. credit for sth. 因为某事而赞扬某人
11. the Netherlands  n.
(=Holland) 荷兰
12. consort  n. 配偶(尤指君王的夫或妻)