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Too Late, Too Early|不是太迟,就是太早

Bill looked tired when Huihua saw him in class one morning. Bill complained, "My God, Hui Chen called me after 11:00 last night. Do Chinese all call each other so late?"
  Huihua said, "Often enough, because that's when we finish the work of the day. Besides, it's cheaper to call after that hour."
  "I don't understand. Isn't that too late for conversation? Hui Chen also called me before 9 :00 a. m. last weekend, too. Do you all get up so early at weekend?"
  "Not really. But we put up with early calls anyway."

Chinese perspective1

  It is true that Chinese people overseas call each other late because it is cheaper and they have finished the day's work by then. Often the caller would apologize for calling late, while the receiver would say it is OK though it may be a very bad time for him/her. As a result, people who are active late at night continue to think everyone is comfortable with late-night conversations. The Chinese habit of politeness and of avoiding direct criticism does nothing to discourage the annoying habit of phone calls at uncivilized2 hours.

North American perspective

  While some North Americans socialize or work late at night, they know that other people are not like that. These "night owls" tend to sleep very late in the morning, sometimes not arising before noon. Most people, out of courtesy3, will not call anyone after 9 or 10 p.m., unless they know the person is another "night owl" or it is an emergency4. Similarly, many people will not call before mid-morning or even noon on weekends, unless they know the person is awake and active. North Americans even have an expression about morning telephone calls on weekends, "Bad news can wait until noon." The expression means few things can be so important as to justify disturbing5 a quiet weekend morning.
  Part of Bill's frustration with Hui Chen's calls is that nights are private times when one can relax alone or with loved ones. Life styles for most North Americans are hectic6 and stressful; quiet time alone or with family is rare and protected. Indeed, one of the reasons that many North Americans seek in planning a get-away weekend or vacation is to go some place where they can't be reached by phone.







1. perspective   n. 观点,看法
2. uncivilized   adj. 失礼的
3. courtesy  n. 礼貌
4. emergency   n. 紧急情况,突然事件
5. disturb   v. 烦扰
6. hectic  adj. 繁忙的;兴奋的