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The Olsen Twins: So Rich, So Real|奥尔森姊妹:从尿布到金库

  From TV to the big screen and from Paris to Rome, the Olsen Twins are taking on the world one step at a time.

  They've just turned 18 and they've made over 40 videos and sold 30 million books. Their dolls are the number two-selling dolls just behind Barbie. Their estimated worth is reported to be as high as $150 million each, and the Mary-Kate and Ashley empire grossed1 $1 billion last year.

  With golden hair and shining smiles, Mary-Kate and Ashley are two stars who are hard to forget. Their long-time television dad, Bob Saget, credits the girls' green eyes as the key. “Their eyes were always what made people like them when they were young,” he said. “They have big, beautiful eyes.” Fans and onlookers can argue over their best features, but all can agree that the two are knockouts2.
  The pair were born on June 17, 1986, in San Francisco. As far as the world is concerned, however, they were born a few months later with the debut3 of the TV show Full House. But their acting career, already more than 15 years, almost didn't happen. A family friend had to convince the girls' mother, Janice, to take the four-month-old twins to their first audition. When the producer picked up the girls and they did not cry, Mary-Kate and Ashley got their first job. The girls shared time as Michelle tanner4 on Full House from 1987 to 1995.
  Having caught the attention of a huge television audience, it was natural for them to move on to bigger and better things. Mary-Kate and Ashley's movie career began with a 1992 made-for-TV Movie called To Grandmother's House We Go. Naturally, the Olsens played twins. With their movie careers now started, the girls set to work on a series of video films, such as The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley. It's hard to imagine a busier pair of pre-teens5—these two released an amazing 15 movies between 1995 and 1997.
  Their major motion picture debut finally came in 1995, with It takes Two. The film had Mary-Kate playing a tomboy6 while her sister played the role of a spoilt7 rich kid. Anyone who doubted the Olsens' abilities was quickly silenced: The film grossed over $75 million.
  On average, Mary-Kate and Ashley can be seen on television 35 times a week, even today. Talk about popular!
  Their new film called New York Minute. Mary-Kate and Ashley play the roles of mismatched8 sisters Roxy and Jane. Roxy is a bit wild and punkish9, while her withdrawn10 sister prefers to study, and comes off as a bookworm11. The girls must learn to understand and appreciate each other in order to accomplish their goals.
  Mary-Kate and Ashley are super-skilled, so it wasn't a surprise when they decided to record an album. They did this in order to give acting a break, and to no one's surprise, a successful pop career was born. Their first album, called Brother 4 Sale, was recorded in 1995. All totaled12 the girls have sold more than 1.5 million records. Mary-Kate and Ashley were even on the cover of long-running magazine Rolling Stone, in September of 2003.
  Recognizing an opportunity, toy companies began to cash in on13 the Olsens' image, producing dolls, books, and other things. Soon Mary-Kate and Ashley's products were being bought by lots of eager fans. To ensure that no unapproved items found their way into stores, the Olsens' parents and managers created the company Dualstar Entertainment. A side effect of this organization was that Mary-Kate and Ashley became the youngest producers ever, at age six.
  Under Dualstar, Mary-Kate and Ashley's many talents truly began to blossom. After a series of success in film, television, and radio, it was natural for the Olsen twins to take on the video game industry. They released a handful of videogames. The girls also started a series of books, aimed at young girls, that stars14 the two as a pair of regular high-school students.
  All told15, Mary-Kate and Ashley have appeared in over 40 movies, sold 29 million copies of their well-known series of books, have nine full length music albums and a hit16 cartoon show on the Disney Channel, all before leaving high school. In the year 2001, Dualstar Entertainment made $500 million in sales, and more than doubled that amount in 2002. For two years in a row17, the sisters have been ranked in Forbes Magazine's Celebrity 100 Power Rankings, which proves that Mary-Kate and Ashley are not just pretty faces.
  Whether they are strolling down the red carpet or are just hanging out on the set of a movie, nobody can question Mary-Kate and Ashley's great fashion sense. The girls are often considered terrific dressers, being both daring and classy18 at the same time. In January of 2001, the Olsens began their own line of clothing, joining the ranks of fashion icons19 such as Jennifer Lopez. Now, young women can buy a huge variety of items, with everything from toothpaste to nail polish to perfume.
  For the past several years, Mary-Kate and Ashley have been trying to step away from the “twin thing” off-screen and discover themselves as separate people. “We each have our own 'likes' and 'dislikes' like any sisters would,”says Ashley, “Probably the biggest difference would be that Mary-Kate likes to ride horses and I like to dance more.” From their haircuts to what they wear, the twins are branching out as individuals and showing off their very different personalities. However, as different as they may be, both Mary-Kate and Ashley are thankful to have each other. “We fight like any other sisters do, but in the end, we're best friends.”
  Although going to college is definitely a plan for the future, people say on the Internet that the twins already accepted to several colleges on the east coast of the U.S.. However, the twins' publicist20 said that they are only juniors in high school still studying for their exams and haven't even applied to any colleges yet.
  What are we looking to see from these teen icons? Who can tell, at the pace they're going? We can't wait to hear what colleges the twins will actually end up going to, and we know we'll be seeing more of them as the years go on. For now, all we have to say is keep on Doing what you do, girls!

  玛丽-凯特和阿什莉有高超的演艺才能,所以她们决定录制唱片也不足为奇。原本只想稍做休整,但从此在流行歌坛一炮走红,也在意料之中。1995年她们录制了自己的首张专辑《Brother 4 Sale》。姊妹俩一共售出150多万张唱片,甚至还上过老牌音乐杂志《滚石》2003年9月号的封面。


1. gross   v. 总共赚得
2. knockout   n. 引人注目的人(或物)
3. debut   n. 首演,初次出场
4. tanner   n. 制革工人
5. pre-teen  n. 13岁不到的少年
6. tomboy   n. 爱打闹的女孩,假小子
7. spoilt   adj. 娇惯坏的

8. mismatch   v. 配合不当,不协调
9. punkish   adj. 有点像朋克少年
10. withdrawn   adj. 不爱交际的
11. come off as a bookworm   书读得很好; come off  成功
12. all totaled  总共
13. cash in on  利用
14. star  v.  在(电影等)其中做主演
15. all told  总共
16. hit  adj.  轰动的,红极一时的
17. in a row  一连

18. both daring and classy  大胆又时髦   classy   adj. 时髦的
19. icon   n. 偶像

20. publicist  n. 宣传代理人