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Don't Follow Me|别学我

Three years ago, I was a junior middle school student. All the girls at school were interested in looking pretty. So was I. Some girls were saying “the thinner the better” all the time, and most of them were on a diet. I planned to lose weight, although I wasn't fat at all. I thought that it would make me more beautiful. This is how it all began.
  To begin with, I lied to my mother, telling her that I was busy with homework and couldn't go home to have dinner. On the first afternoon, I didn't have supper and kept the money. I thought it was a good idea—I could keep the money and become thinner and thinner. That afternoon, I felt a little hungry, so I drank water from time to time, until I had to go to the toilet. I had drunk 5 glasses of water already. My stomach was full of water. When I got home that night, I went to bed as quickly as possible so that I couldn't be attracted by food. I didn't sleep well that night because of the bad feeling in my stomach.
  The next morning, I had an apple before breakfast, so I felt full and only had a little breakfast. At school, when the third class began, I felt a little hungry, but still could follow the teacher's lesson. However, when the fourth class started, I felt too hungry to sit up. Thoughts of many delicious foods were going through my mind. I felt hungrier and hungrier. At last, I dozed off, until the class was over. For lunch, I only had some fruit and vegetables. That day, I didn't have supper. I only drank water, from time to time, like the day before.
  I continued to do this, day after day.  About one month later, I found I'd lost considerable1 weight, and many classmates said, “You are more beautiful than ever.” “You are thinner.” “You are a ‘cool’ girl.”I felt very happy. But then the trouble began. I often felt tired and sleepy during classes, almost every day. What's worse, I got a stomachache every night and could not sleep. What would happen next?
  I began to worry if the situation would worsen. I tried to stop the practice, returning my eating habits back to normal. To my surprise, my weight went up rapidly until I was heavier than before. Now I'm fatter. How foolish I was at the time.
  That's my story. I have to tell everyone who wants to go on diet, don't follow me! You'd better do exercises regularly and have a healthy diet. The most important thing is keeping healthy. Being natural is beautiful.



1. considerable  adj. 相当大(或多)的