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If You Really Want to Know|假如你真的想知道

Kayla and Sara are both friends of mine, but they're very different. For instance, the other day the three of us were going to go to the movies. “Do I look okay?” I asked Sara.
  Without even so much as looking at me, she replied, “Yeah, sure. You always look great.”
  “How about my hair?”
  “Yeah. Looks great,” she responded.
  The moment Kayla walked in, she took one look at me and demanded, “You're not going to be seen in that, are you? No way am I going to be seen with you if you wear that!”
  “What's wrong with it?” I asked.
  “Well, for one thing, you look like a little kid in it, and for another, there's a mustard1 stain2 on the left sleeve.” She paused, frowned and then added, “Having a bad hair day3?”
  So you can see how different they are. Sara is a person who doesn't want to upset you, so she always says something nice and would never want to make you feel uneasy, no matter what. Kayla is very blunt and outspoken4. She has very definite opinions and isn't afraid to be honest. Kayla is definitely5 not afraid of what you'll think about what she has to say. So if I really really want to know how I look, while I ask them both, it's Kayla's advice that's worth the most. She has no problem telling me her honest opinion about anything. If the way I look passes her inspection6, I can be sure that it will pass with others. Now, if I was worried about a big test at school, I'd go to Sara for help. Kayla puts as little energy as possible into her grades. Sara, on the other hand, is very smart, understands what it's like to want to get good grades, and will help you out when you need it. So both Kayla and Sara are good friends, each in her own way.
  Friends. They're so different. That's why you need lots of them.


1. mustard n. 芥菜,芥末
2. stain [stain] n. 污点,瑕疵
3. 头发不整,暗示心情不好
4. 此句意为:“凯娜快人快言,直言不讳”。
   blunt  adj. 直言的,明说的
5. definitely  adv. (有否定词时)一定,绝对
6. inspection  n. 检查,审查