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An open letter to president Bush|致布什总统的公开信

Editor's note: Sean Penn, famous American actor and director, married Madonna in 1985 and divorced four years later after their marriage.  Listed as one of twelve “Promising New Actors of 1984” in John Willis' Screen World. Ranked #76 in Empire (UK) magazine's “The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time” list [October 1997]. He starred in I am Sam, Sweet and Lowdown, The Thin Red Line, Dead Man Walking, Bad Boys,etc. In Dec 2002,he held a press conference to denounce the war against Iraq. On Jan 19th,2003, he paid $56,000 to have his open letter to President Bush  published as an advertisement in the Washington Post and expressed his idea that the war with Iraq was avoidable. Below is part of the letter.


Mr. Bush:
  Good morning sir. Like you, I am a father and an American. Like you, I consider myself a patriot1. Like you, I was horrified2 by the events of this past year, concerned for my family and my country. However, I do not believe in a simplistic3 and inflammatory4 view of good and evil. I believe this is a big world full of men, women, and children who struggle to eat, to love, to work, to protect their families, their beliefs, and their dreams.
  My father, like yours, was decorated5 for service in World War II. He raised me with a deep belief in the Constitution6 and the Bill of Rights7, as they should apply to8 all Americans who would sacrifice9 to maintain them and to all human beings as a matter of principle. Many of your actions to date10 and those proposed seem to violate11 every defining principle12 of this country over which you preside13...
  How far have we come from14 understanding what it is to kill one man, one woman, or one child, much less the “collateral damage15” of many hundreds of thousands. Your use of the words “this is a new kind of war” is often accompanied16 by an odd smile. It concerns me that what you are asking of us is to abandon all previous lessons of history in favor of17 following you blindly into the future. It worries me because with all your best intentions18, an enormous economic surplus19 has been squandered20. Your administration21 has virtually22 dismissed23 the most fundamental24 environmental concerns and therefore, by implication25, one gets the message26 that, as you seem to be willing to sacrifice the children of the world, you would also be willing to sacrifice ours. I know this cannot be your aim. So, I beg you, Mr. President, listen to Gershwin27, read chapters of Stegner28, of Saroyan29, the speeches of Martin Luther King30.
  Remind yourself of America. Remember the Iraqi children, our children, and your own... Yet, that bombing31 is answered by bombing, mutilation32 by mutilation, killing by killing, is a pattern that only a great country like ours can stop. However, principles cannot be recklessly33 or greedily34 abandoned in the guise of35 preserving them.
  Avoiding war while accomplishing national security36 is no simple task...Weapons of  mass destruction37 are clearly a threat to the entire world in any hands. But as Americans, we must ask ourselves, since the potential38 for Mr. Hussein to possess them threatens not only our country, (and in fact, his technology to launch is likely not yet at that high a level of sophistication39) therefore, many in his own region would have the greatest cause for concern. Why then, is the United States, as led by your administration, in the small minority40 of the world nations predisposed41 toward a preemptive military assault42 on Iraq?
  Simply put, sir, let us re-introduce inspection43 teams, inhibiting offensive capability44. We buy time45, maintain our principles here and abroad and demand of ourselves the ingenuity46 to be the strongest diplomatic muscle47 on the planet, perhaps in the history of the planet. The answers will come. You are a man of faith, but your saber48 is rattling49 the faith of many Americans in you. I do understand what a tremendously daunting50 task it must be to stand in your shoes at this moment. As a father of two young children who will live their lives in the world as it will be affected by critical51 choices today, I have no choice but to believe that you can ultimately52 stand as a great president. History has offered you such a destiny53. So again, sir, I beg you ...Don't destroy our children's future. We will support you. You must support us, your fellow Americans, and indeed, mankind ...We know that Americans are frightened and angry. However, sacrificing American soldiers or innocent civilians54 in an unprecedented55 preemptive attack on a separate sovereign56 nation, may well prove itself a most temporary medicine.
  On the other hand, should you mind and have faith in the best of this country to support your leadership in representing a strong, thoughtful and educated United States, you may well triumph57 for the long haul58. Lead us there, Mr. President, and we will stand with you.


               Sean Penn
San Francisco, California




1. patriot n. 爱国者
2. horrify  v. 惊骇,极度愤慨
3. simplistic  adj. 过于单纯的
4. inflammatory  adj. 煽动性的
5. decorate  v. 表彰……
6. constitution  n. 宪法
7. the Bill of Rights 人权法案
8. apply to  适用于
9. sacrifice  v. 牺牲
10. to date 到目前为止
11. violate  v. 违犯
12. defining principle  解释明白无误的准则
13. preside  v. 主持
14. come far from. . . 远离……
15. collateral damage  间接的损害
16. accompany  v. 伴随
17. in favor of 支持

18. intention n. 目的,意图
19. enormous economic surplus  巨大的经济盈余
20. squander  v. 浪费
21. administration  n. 政府
22. virtually  adv. 实质上
23. dismiss  v. 解除,使/让离开
24. fundamental  adj. 基本的
25. implication n. 暗示,含义
26. message  n. 讯息
27. Gershwin  格什温,美国作曲家,钢琴家
28. Stegner  斯泰格纳,美国作家
29. Saroyan  萨瓦扬,美国作家,剧作家
30. Martin Luther King 马丁·路德·金,美国民权运动领袖
31. bombing  n. 轰炸
32. mutilation  n. 切断,损毁
33. recklessly  adv. 不计后果地
34. greedily  adv. 渴望
35. in the guise  of 在……的伪装下
36. security  n. 安全

37. weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤武器
38. potential  n. 潜能,潜力
39. sophistication  n. 混合
40. minority  n. 少数
41. predipose  v. 预先安排,偏向于
42. preemptive military assault  先发制人的军事袭击
43. inspection  n. 核查,检查
44. inhibit  v. 抑制,约束 offensive
adj. 攻击性的 capability  n. 能力
45. buy time 争取时间
46. ingenuity  n. 灵活性
47. diplomaticadj. 外交的
48. saber n. 政见
49. rattle v. 发出咔嗒声,此处指破坏
50. daunt  v. 沮丧
51. critical  adj. 严峻的
52. ultimately  adv. 最终
53. destiny  n. 命运
54. innocent civilian  无辜的贫民
55. unprecedented  空前的
56. sovereign adj. 独立自主的
57. triumph  v. 获得胜利
58. haul  n. 拖、拉