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Why Do Parents Act So Crazy?|父母凶巴巴 到底为了啥?

Imagine you got a puppy1 for your birthday. You care so much about this puppy. You watch it all the time.You panic2 when you can't find it. You are forever worrying about this little ball of fluff3 and saying things like...
  “Where have you been?”
  “Where are you going?”
  “Be careful!”
  “Don't do that!”
  You love it! You worry about what it eats. You worry when it is sick. You want to protect it. You try to teach it things that it doesn't want to learn!
  Meanwhile, the puppy is thinking, “I'm dealing with a control freak4!”
  Have you noticed that parents treat you the way you would treat the puppy?
  They are forever saying...
  “Where have you been?”
  “Where are you going?”
  “Be careful!”
  “Don't do that!”
  They panic when they can't find you. They worry about what you eat. They worry when you are sick. They want to protect you. They try to teach you things—that you don't want to learn.
  Meanwhile you're thinking, “I'm dealing with a couple of control freaks!”
  Parents can be irritating5. But it's usually because they care so much. Sometimes it helps to remember that they act so crazy because they care about you.

In a nutshell6
  Next time your parents are telling you what to do, think about you and the puppy. Maybe you'll understand your parents a bit better.

One More Reason Parents Act So Crazy...
  What are the main things you have to worry about? Probable the list comes down to:
◆Good grades in school
◆Friends and boyfriends/girlfriends
◆Your hobbies and sport
◆Getting enough cash from your parents
  That list probably keeps you fairly busy.
  Parents also have things to worry about. Their list—and this is all boring stuff—might include:
◆Keeping their jobs
◆Delivering the family to music lessons, soccer practice, ballet7, etc.
◆Monthly car payments, car repairs, car insurance, petrol bills
◆Monthly house payments, house repairs, house insurance
◆Bills for gas, water, telephone, electricity, cable TV
◆Caring for their parents
◆Buying new furniture, computers, printers, software
◆School fees for all the kids
◆Clothes for the whole family
◆Everybody's health insurance, medical bills, hospital bills, veterinary8 bills
◆Christmas/birthday presents for a few dozen family and friends every year
◆Feeding you, your brothers and sisters and the dog.
  (We could add another 100 things to this list.)
  Now here's what happens. Dad is sitting in his study thinking about this list. Meanwhile he's wondering how he's ever going to pay off his $10,000 Visa9 card debt and his $15,000 Mastercard10 debt.
  You walk into his room and say, “Dad, can I have a new mountain bike?” (Just a simple question.) Dad goes bananas11! He turns red in the face and he's frothing12 at the mouth. He's shouting, “Do you think I'm made of money? What's the matter with the bike you have now? I never had a mountain bike...!”
  Dazed13, you stagger14 to the kitchen, to escape the onslaught15. You ask yourself, “Why is he acting like a lunatic16?”
  Remember the “parents' list” and you might understand. Parents have a lot of things to worry about! That's why they act so crazy!

In a nutshell
  None of us is perfect. Why do we expect our parents to be perfect?
  And if you ever wonder, “How come my parents are so boring?” it's keeping up with this list that makes them boring!

Say, “Thank you!”
  Parents can be unreasonable, demanding, impossible to please and old fashioned. Maybe you figure it's just too hard to have a good relationship with your parents.
  But in case you would like to try and improve things, here is something to remember:
  More than anything, parents just want to hear their kids say, “Thank you”.
  Now you may argue that your parents decided to have you, so it's their problem to feed you, pay the bills and do all the stuff that parents do.
  Whether this is right or wrong, most parents get frustrated and angry that their teenagers take it all and rarely say, “Thank you.” For the last 10,000 years parents have been asking themselves, “How come my kids are so ungrateful? If only they would say, “Thank you!”
  Parents of thirty-year-olds tell me, “I'm always helping my children out. I give them money, cook meals, baby-sit17 the grandkids—and they seem to expect it. They never say, 'Thanks'.”
  So how do you blow your parents' minds18? Next time your Dad delivers you to basketball training, tell him, “Thanks Dad, I know you're a busy guy and you have a lot of other stuff to do.” He'll be delighted. He'll be amazed and inside he will say, “It's all worth it!”
  Whenever your mother, father, stepmother, stepfather cooks a beautiful meal, tell them, “That was a great dinner. Thank you.”
  Of course, you can argue that it is their job to serve you. You can also argue that they should start to thank you before you thank them. But now you know what's in their heads.

In a nutshell
  If you want to get closer to your parents, try saying a few extra “Thank yours” —and tell them why you appreciate it. You'll light up their lives.











1. puppy  n. 小狗
2. panic   v. 惊恐
3. fluff  n. 绒毛
4. freak  n. 怪物;痴迷者
5. irritating  adj. 使烦心/生气的
6. in a nutshell  简言之
7. ballet n. 芭蕾
8. veterinary   adj. 兽医的
9. Visa  n. 威信卡
10. Mastercard 万事达卡
11. go bananas (俚)发狂
12. froth  v. 口吐白沫
13. dazed [deizd] adj. 使发昏、发呆
14. stagger   vi. 摇晃
15. onslaught  n. 攻击
16. lunatic  n. 疯子
17. baby-sit  v. 带(孩子)
18. blow one's mind  使极度兴奋