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The Tongue Is a Fire|流言飞飞

  It ruins1 reputations2 and destroys friendships. So what can you do about it?

I remember it like it was yesterday. The stomach was sick, I fought to hold back3 the tears and I felt the unbelievable hurt in my heart.
  “You know, Autumn,” my friend Nick said, “Lisa and Andrea were just talking about you”. I immediately got nervous.“ They said that the only reason you start on the basketball team is because the coach4 likes you. It's not because you're good.”I thought I might be sick5.“ They said they're tired of6 you always getting what you want. You don't deserve7 it.”
  It was all I could do to hold back the tears as I sank to my knees8 on the cold floor. As Nick continued to tell me everything my supposed best friends said about me, I was hurt. My mind raced9. I knew I didn't deserve this. But that didn't make it any easier.
     Lisa and Andrea came in from lunch break10 acting like nothing had happened. Lisa was still my locker mate11, Andrea my partner on a history project. I was amazed at their ability to pretend we had the perfect friendship. Especially since they'd said such hurtful things.
     I was a freshman in high school—and I felt like I didn't have a friend in the world.
     All because of gossip.
     Life tells us the tongue is our worst enemy. The tongue is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It destroys the whole person. Gossip is even included in the Bible among the sins of murder, envy, greed, deceit12 and malice13. “Those who do such things deserve death.”
  So why do people hate gossip?
  A  gossip  harms confidence and separates close friends. The words of a gossip are like sharp knives, which cut one's dignity14 into pieces. When we say bad words about others, we're forcing emotional pain on them. Instead of punching them on the nose15, we're shooting daggers into their heart16.
     So, what should we do when we encounter17 gossip? There are three possible answers.
     1. Speak out18. Kindly but firmly tell your friends gossip is hurtful and that no one benefits from19 it.
     2. Be positive20. Turn the conversation around by saying something nice about the person being talked about.
     3. Walk away. Don't be part of the problem by sticking around21 to listen.
  You've probably heard gossip everywhere—at school, in the streets, on the Net.
  Unfortunately, we've all been ashamed of gossip at one time or another—intentional or not. And we've all suffered from it too. But how should we act when we discover a trusted friend has been saying unkind things about us? Yes, it hurts, but we have hope. You can do several things.
    1.Forgive. You can only do this and you need to—no matter how difficult it is. Forgive your friend first in your heart. Ask for guidance22 and help from families or close friends if necessary.
    2. Face it. When your emotions23 are under control, tell the person or people who hurt you how their words made you feel. (If necessary, practice what you'd like to say beforehand. If you think you might lose your cool, express your feelings in a note or e-mail.) Then tell them you forgive them. Hopefully, this will help you move on with your friendship.
  So what happened with Lisa and Andrea?
  When they pretended our friendship hadn't changed, I would have planned to attack them back. But I took a step back. I told them they had hurt me. Lisa started crying; Andrea didn't know what to say. I knew they were both sorry for what they had said. They apologized, and I forgave them with grace24. Sure, things were a little tense at first, but after a while everything was back to the way it was before.
  I still deal with gossip, whether it be as a recipient25 or a participant26. But the more I learn about love, the more I realize the importance of encouraging others—and that never includes gossip.

  1. 直言相告。友善而肯定地告诉朋友谣言伤人,没有人会从中受益。
  2. 态度肯定。对被非议者说些肯定意见,从而扭转话锋。
  3. 断然走开。不要逗留听信流言蜚语,从而成为它的帮凶。
  1. 学会宽恕。你只能这样做也必须这样做——不管做起来多难。首先,要(学会)从内心宽恕你的朋友。必要时请家人或好友指点、帮忙。
  2. 勇于面对。当你的理智尚能控制感情时,告诉这些伤害你的人那些话听起来是什么感觉。(如有必要,不妨事先“彩排”你想说的话。如果觉得有失冷静,可用便条或e-mail表达你的感受。)然后告诉他们,你原谅了他们。这一招很有希望帮助你们(抛弃前嫌)重续友谊。



1. ruin [?謖ru?蘼in] v. 损害
2. reputation [repju?蘼?謖tei?蘩?藜n] n. 声誉,名誉
3. hold back 克制
4. coach [k?藜ut?蘩] n. 教练
5. sick [sik] adj. 恼火,憎恶
6. be tired of 讨厌
7. deserve  v. 值得,应得

8. sink to one's knees 双膝瘫倒在地
9. race [reis] v. 高速运转
10. lunch break 午饭休息时间
11. locker mate  共用储物柜的伙伴
12. deceit  n. 欺骗
13. malice  n. 怨恨,敌意
14. dignity  n. 尊严
15. punch sb. on the nose 砸在……的鼻梁上
16. shoot  daggers into one's heart 将匕首捅向……的心窝
17. encounter  v. 遭遇
18. speak out 大胆明确地说出
19. benefit from  从中受益
20. positive  adj. 肯定的
21. stick around 在某处,在附近
22. guidance  n. 指导,引导
23. emotion  n. 情感

24. with grace [greis] 欣然地
25. recipient  n. 接受者
26. participant  n. 参与者