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Secrets of the Superpopular|“出人头地”之秘笈

Get Confident1:
You can't be Queen of the World if you live underground. Do you hold your head high when you walk through the halls? Do you make eye contact2, smile and say hi to people you don't even know? Put on an air of friendliness and confidence. Kind is the new cool.

Get Out There:
Since popularity is all about who you know, why not make a point to3 get to know everybody? Join the school paper, try out for the swim team, run for class president. You don't have to be the best at everything you do — the point is to get to know as many different kids. The more friends you make, the more people for you to succeed.

Get Busy:
Think nothing's going on in your school and weekends are worth sleeping? Stop complaining4 and start doing something. Be the girl who always knows what's going on.

Show Off:
No matter how great, talented5 or nice you are, nobody's going to know that until you take the risk and step into the spotlight6 of public opinion. Use every opportunity to show your hidden talents, whether it's a song at the school talent show or your oh-so-clever invention7 at the science fair. Showing off your skills is not the same as being a show-off. You know the difference, so go on with your self.

Show Your Style:
Stop following fashion8 and start making them. There's no law that says your hair/ clothes/ shoes have to be exactly the same as everyone else's. Why not throw a little individuality9 into your appearance?

Be You:
 Stand up for what you believe. Speaking up in class, organizing an animal rights protest10, defending an old friend when others start bad-mouthing11 her...Lying about the type of person you are is sure to blow your status12. Forget trying to make yourself into some unrealistic icon13. Stick to14 your own interests15, personality. They're what makes you a popular individual. Accept and love yourself and others will, too.

Treasure Old Friends:
No matter how socially successful you become or how many famous new friends you make, it's the old friends who have been there all along that matter most. Don't show off your best friend just because you got invited to an awesome16 party and she didn't. Popularity17 doesn't equal selfish social climbing. Be true to your friends and they'll do the same for you. It's that simple.


主动出击: 既然受欢迎的程度取决于你认识的人,那为什么不拿定主意去结识周围的每一个人呢?去参与校刊的编辑吧,去参加学校的游泳队吧,去竞选班长吧。你不必事事都做到最好——关键在于要尽可能多地结识各种各样的朋友。认识的朋友越多,助你成功的人也就越多。




保持自我:勇敢地捍卫自己的观点。在班上大胆地发言,比如组织保护动物权利的抗议活动,或者当别人讲一个朋友的坏话时,(勇敢地)站出来为她辩护……用谎言自我吹嘘, 必定会搬起石头砸你自己的脚。不要徒劳地制造不真实的自我偶像,坚持你自己的兴趣、个性。这些东西才会使你成为一个受大家欢迎的人。接受你自己,爱你自己,别人也一定会接受你、爱你的。




1. confident   adj. 自信
2. contact   n. 交际; 接触
3. make a point to  坚持做……

4. complain   v. 抱怨;埋怨;控拆;不满
5. talented  adj. 有才能的;多才的
6. spotlight  n. 聚光灯;注意;醒目
7. invention  n. 发明
8. fashion  n. 流行;时髦;时尚
9. individuality   n. 个性
10. protest   n. 抗议
11. bad-mouth v.  说别人的坏话
12. status  n. 地位
13. icon   n. 偶像
14. stick to  v. 坚持
15. interest n. 兴趣
16. awesome   adj. 引起敬畏的
17. popularity   n. 名声;受大众欢迎;流行