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The most embarrasing moment I had|尴尬时分

1.One day a girl in my class was cleaning the blackboard. She had to jump up to do so for she was not tall enough. At this I said ″Jump...aha...jump...″ She would jump every time I shouted ″Jump″. The class began laughing. She got so angry that she threw the brush to the ground. I felt sorry for her. The next day she didn't come to school until the sunset. I wrote a letter expressing my greatest regret. She laughed telling me she didn't go to school because she caught a cough , not because I made her embarrassed. Now it  was my turn to feel embarrassed!
付帅辉 江西省高安二中高三(11)班  330800

2.One night our class was doing self-study. So quiet. I looked around to see our vice-monitor playing with a telescope. How cool! I whispered:       ″May I have a look?″ ″Sure.″ I stood up and looked at my crush: ″How beautiful she is!″ Just at that moment the vice-monitor whispered: ″Give it to me. Quick!″ Why? I wanted to look at the tree, the door and the man at the door—oh, it was our head teacher! He was walking toward me!
Queer   福建上杭和平路和八巷2号 364200

3.I can see nothing without my glasses, but I hate to wear them because my friends usually call me ″Four Eyes″. One evening I was walking with my friends along a lane when I saw someone lying on the ground. I came up and said: ″May I help you?″ As I was touching his back I felt something unusual: ″Bowwow, bowwow!″ Oh, my—it was a dog, not  a man! I was so frightened as to run away, leaving my friends laughing. How embarrassing!
         许立  安徽省庐江县庐江中学高三(9)班 231500

4.Last week I decided to get a pair of leather shoes. Looking through the shop window I found a wonderful pair. Walking into the shop I asked the shop assistant girl how much it cost. Only 80 yuan? Oh, good and cheap. Then I gave her 100, but the girl looked at me strangely. ″Have you got no change?″ I asked her. ″No. Dear lady, it'd be nice if you pay 80 more.″ What? Oh, I got not a penny more. How embarrassing. I didn't hear the price clearly.
          李克娜 武汉市万松小区50栋2单元22616866信箱 430022
5.My father is tall, thin and wordless. A few days ago I was told that I ranked second in the city English Contest. I couldn't help telling my father happily. He just said: ″Our city is so poor in English.″ I was so embarrassed that I cried.
          宫丽朗 江苏省江阴华士实验学校九(3)班  214421

6.The other day I went out with lots of friends and had a good time in a cool park. We laughed all the way, taking photos every second. Everyone was eager to see the picture. But—alas, I forgot to open the camera lens! How embarrassed I was and am!
           李梦颖  北京海淀红山口甲3号208-4,100091

7.Three years ago, I didn't know much about NBA. One day, I together with a lot of friends called on one of my classmates. We played happily and noisefully. Then I turned on the TV. There was a basketball game. So I said, ″Silence, please. Let's watch NBA.″ They became quiet and watched the game. But one of them said, ″It's not NBA, it's only a common game.″ Quickly I blushed. How embarrassed I was!
李经纬 湖北省钟祥市旧口镇高级中学高二(六)班 (431928)

8.I played basketball well. Once I asked my little sister to watch me play with some other boys. I asked her to sit by the side of the playground. When I got the ball, I shouted, ″Look, your brother is the best.″ I threw the ball out, but it went straightly at my sister's forehead.     My sister cried:    ″There you are! How great.″ Embarrassed I was and am!
胡晓乐 河南省漯河市舞阳县一高三(6)班(462400)