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2014-5-10 21:20:43


The Dragons Who Rained


  Long, long ago, rain stopped falling in China. The people prayed for rain to the Jade Emperor, for it was he who looked after everything in heaven, on the land and in the sea, but no matter how much they prayed, rain did not fall.


  Four dragons lived in the East China Sea in those days. They swam to shore to see what was happening, and saw people tearing grass from the caked ground, for the people had nothing else left to eat.


  “We must do something,” Long Dragon said, and Yellow Dragon nodded. “We must help them ourselves,” said Pearl Dragon, “for the Jade Emperor will never answer their prayers.”


  They suddenly thought of a way to help. They started swimming this way and that, scooping up water with their bodies. Then all four leapt into the sky. Black Dragon flew to the north, Long Dragon flew to the west, Pearl Dragon flew to the southernmost tip of China, and Yellow Dragon flew to the very center of the vast country. All at once, they let the water fall from their mouths, arms, legs, and even their tails.


  The people down below looked up, but they could not see the dragons. They could only see the rain falling from the sky —— drops of rain more beautiful than any jewel. “Rain!” they cried joyfully, and all the people and animals ran out into the rain and started to dance.

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